Monday, November 13, 2006

Praise Pauses - 13th Nov 2006

I happen to be a huge fan of Joyce Meyer. I like reading her books and am try collecting all of them. I find her very practical, honest and very genuine which makes her books and her sermons reach out to me in a very special way. I've always found her books and messages very useful.

Last week I was watching her on God TV and she said something which was so wonderful and so true. Its something that I always knew but now when she put it in a slightly different way, it was enlightening and kind of like showing an easy way out and very inspiring too. She was talking about the importance of praising and worshipping God. Not just on Sundays or just before beginning my day, but all through the way - all through the day. The importance of linking my thoughts with God's all through the day and taking time to look up and say to Him, " I Love you God. Thank you, God". She says to keep praising God. Look out for points and things I can thank God for and praise him for. It keeps me connected to Him and there's another thing - the devil cannot stand a praising child of God.

She says that the devil was incharge of the praise and worship when he was in heaven and he became so proud that he wanted all the praises and worship for himself. Whenever he sees our God being praised and worshipped, he just cannot stand it. When you make an effort to try starting to praise and worship God you would have your own obstacles and problems and now you know where they would come from. Just keep at praising him and worshipping him no matter what you are going through, no matter how sad or happy you are, no matter how much of a turmoil or how peaceful you are.

She gave a beautiful illustration from the Bible wherein the children of Judah lead by King Jehoshaphat face a huge army and are afraid. But then they decide to praise God. A choir goes ahead of the army praising God and singing songs to Him and the result is amazing - the enemies began to kill and destroy one another. Though King Jehoshaphat had a small army, when he decided to praise God, he was victorious. (For the whole story)

When I had been to Sis. Nishie's carecell she was talking about how she likes to take several 'Praise Pauses' through out the day. She makes it a point to just leave her work and go somewhere where she can stretch her hands towards heaven and just look upto Jesus and just Praise Him. She says that it keep her in Jesus and helped her go through her work with God's blessing and strength. Know What?? God loves praises. His word says - He lives within the praises of his people. He dwells in praises.

The place that God has created for his home - Heaven - is filled with praises and worship. We always keep what we like the best in our homes. My room is full of soft toys. One of my relatives house has all kinds of trees and plants around the house. A family friend I know has several dogs. God's house is full of praises and worships. That shows how much he loves praise and worship. Delighting him would definitely mean praising him. And praising him during tough times would mean even more because God would know how hurt and sad and upset we are and yet, we have chosen to praise him and worship him. God definitely values that.

Last Saturday I met a Pastor. Andrews who was talking about the Widow of Zarephath to whose house the Prophet Elijah goes. Their house is blessed because of the Prophet's presence in the house and they have enough to eat all through the famine and they have tasted and seen God's goodness. Inspite of that when the widow's son dies, she cries to Elijah saying - "Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?" (For the whole story )

Pastor. Andrews says that so many times this is how we behave. We all have tasted God's goodness and love in our lives and when we have a problem we instead cry to God and sometimes blame him and think he does not care. But what we actually need to do is to reflect on his goodness and trust in him and just keep praising and thanking and worshipping him. It brings God into our problems. He will give us the strength to go on and He definitely has a solution to any situation in life because He is in full control.

When we take our 'Praise Pauses' often and reflect on his goodness and as we keep thanking and praising we surround ourselves with his praises and we kind of build a small heaven around us for God to dwell.

Psalm 150

1PRAISE THE Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the heavens of His power!

2Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to the abundance of His greatness!(A)

3Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp!

4Praise Him with tambourine and [single or group] dance; praise Him with stringed and wind instruments or flutes!

5Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!

6Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

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