Thursday, November 09, 2006

Let Go!! Let God!! - 2nd Aug 2006

During one of the tiffs that I had with a person really close to me, God taught me the importance and the beauty of deciding not to dwell on the bad done or the hurt caused and to move forward. The importance of blocking all the negative thoughts and choosing to forgive. The joy in knowing that I was able to forgive just like that – even when the person probably wasn’t sorry.

But the story doesn’t end there. Whenever I thought back about this incident, there was a kind of pride that began seeping into me. I really felt I had done a big favour to the person who had wronged me by not thinking about the wrong done or the hurt caused and by choosing to forgive. I even spoke about this about 2-3 times to the person itself (This is heights, isn’t it?). There was joy, oh yes, but there was pride as well. I was proud and more than pride it was probably the feeling of having done someone a huge favor. Like as if I was the good one. Probably I didn’t consider the person I had forgiven bad but yes, I did feel I was the better one………

Till one day God spoke to me something very beautiful which actually made me sit and write this one down. I was reading this book called “Me and my big mouth” by Joyce Meyer and I came across something wonderful there. Joyce says that devil treats our minds like a garbage dump by offering us negative, hurting, sad and angry thoughts. That was a revelation. I kind of felt I had the right to actually go back and think about the hurt I had been through and the way people had hurt me and think about it and feel more and more bad (that’s what it causes) and that me deciding to let go was like the generous me doing a great favour. But that wasn’t one bit true……..

All along the devil was treating my mind as his garbage dump and I was happily and willingly taking all the dump he was offering me thinking tht I was the victim and so I had the right to do so. I had been fooled. And when I chose to let go and forgive without harboring anything, the person to whom I did the biggest favor was to myself J. This revelation was just amazing. So it was not a choice about doing good to someone else but about doing good to myself. No wonder I felt so much of relief and joy at just letting go and blocking out all the negative thoughts.

Don’t ever let the devil fool you into having any angry thoughts about your irritating colleague, or your bossy Team lead, or your nosy neighbour……. ( the list is endless). Whenever tempted to have such thoughts just remember the devil is trying to offer you garbage and make you his dump. And this actually leaves yu feeling bitter, angry, upset……. And this affects no one but you. And so please don’t take his dump…….. and remember, you are doing yourself a big favor……….. J

May the words of my mouth and every meditation of my heart be an offering…….. to God be all glory!!

Psalm 19:14: May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer

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