Thursday, November 09, 2006

In the Road of Life - Part 1 - 14th Aug 2006

I had been to a driving class with a friend of mine and one thing I couldn’t help notice was, the patience of the driving instructor. We both were nervous as this was the first time experience driving a four wheeler. But the instructor made it seem so easy and it was actually his encouragement and his patience that gave us the confidence. He would explain something and then would explain again if we forgot. There was no irritatedness or no anger or no impatience at the fact that he had to give us the same instructions over and over again. He was being very courteous and very polite and very respectful. He was being friendly as well. I doubt if I would have behaved the same way if I had been in his place.

While I sat there watching the way this instructor instructed and helped and encouraged and guided and sometimes gently corrected, I was reminded about my heavenly instructor.

He instructs and teaches me in the way I should go. Yes, he does. There are times I don’t listen or I don’t fully listen. But he doesn’t lose his patience ever with me and keeps trying to fashion me to the perfect pot that he wants to mould out of this clay. Consistently working on me though I consistently keep falling. What matters to him more than my falling is the fact that I’m trying to walk with him.

Lat Sunday a group of youths had come to our church from Korea and they had done this beautiful skit about how man fell from the Garden of Eden and how Jesus won over Sin by dying on the cross to get us back to him and how he wants every man to know him and come to him and enjoy a wonderful relationship with him. I really wish I could have recorded the skit and attached it with this. They depicted in a beautiful way how God keeps coming to us irrespective of how we’ve let him down, coos he knows that we need him and we are never complete without him.

I really thank God for his patience. If not for his patience I wonder what I would be or where I would be.

There’s this song I learnt when I was a kid in School. I love to sing this often whenever I’ve let him down or I feel guilty and feel ashamed to go to God after doing some wrong.

He’s still working on me
To make me what I ought to be
It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and mars
How loving and patient he must be
He’s still working on me

The mirror of his word
Reflections that I see
Makes me wonder why he never gave up on me
He loves me as I am
And hears me when I pray
Remember he’s the potter, Im the clay

This song makes me realize that no matter what I’ve been through I can go to him, because of his immense love for me. And also this that no matter what He would always keep trying to get me back and He would always keep trying to perfect me. How wonderful to know this that, My Master would never give up on me J

So there’s absolutely no excuse to stay away from him. He’s just a heartbeat away. I just need to call and he’s there.

Jeremiah 18:6 (Whole Chapter) O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does? says the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel

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