Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Big Boss Watches - 29th Nov 2006

Sometime back I was watching this reality show on the television called 'Big Boss'. In this reality show, about 13 celebrities are locked up in a house and they've got to stay there for about 3 months. There are cameras fixed almost everywhere in the house and they have mics fitted on. Everything they do is watched and every word they speak is heard. Their life is in close scrutiny.

Later that day I was thinking to myself, how careful these people would be, because they know their life is on display on the television. Every word they speak, the way they carry themselves, they way they go about things, they are very careful, constantly reminding themselves and each other that they are being watched and so they have to put on a good self. There are times one of them loses their cool and at such times the rest of them start reminding the person - remember we are being watched.

You and I are being watched as well. A Holy, Loving God watches us from above with a desire that we be as holy and as loving as Him. I need to live every minute and every second knowing My Father is watching me.
A friend of mine had sent a beautiful sms which read this way - 'Our God delights in watching His children. Live your life knowing that He will never take his eyes off you.'

I need to make sure My Father watches me with pride in His eyes and not tears in His eyes.

Remember, we are being watched.

Hebrews 4:13 - Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

P.S - Dedicated to those who keep complaining my devotionals are too long ;)

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