Thursday, November 09, 2006

Imperfect people serving a Perfect God - 24th Aug 2006

Some time back God wanted me to speak to one of my friends about Him. And I was very hesitant. I told God that I wanted to be perfect in everything before I could talk about Him to anyone. But God was very persistent in what he wanted me to do and I had to finally give in and today I know this friend of mine has started looking up to Jesus.

Most of the times, we stay away from telling something about Jesus to our friends, even when they are in a lot of problem and badly need his love and peace, thinking that since we’re not perfect ourselves, how would anyone take what we say. I have been hesitant so many times for the same reason and here is what God had to say. He says that we are just a tool used by him. We are just directing our friends to Jesus, who is the perfect one. We need him because we are imperfect. We need his peace, joy, strength because we are imperfect people in problems, sin. The very reason why one imperfect person would direct another imperfect person to the perfect one, Jesus.

Its so much like one sick person has found a remedy that works and he is recommending it to another sick friend of his. J

Last Sunday at the service, Prophet Bernard said that God always uses imperfect people. He said that every great man in the Bible had some weakness or the other. He went to list most of the great man in the Bible and the weaknesses they had but God used them. He used them in spite of their weaknesses.

All God requires of us is availability and obedience. Next time God requires something of us, we just need to be available to him and obedient to him. That is all that matters and God would do the rest. We are not changing people’s hearts here. God does the changing; all we need to do is be available (without excuses) and be obedient.

1 Corinthians 13:10:10But when the complete and perfect (total) comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away (become antiquated, void, and superseded).

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a blog about pretty much the EXACT same thing. I was looking for a verse and I came across this blog entry. I could not have said it better myself and it was a perfect way for God to say that I'm following his plan.

    Thank you for writing this!
