Monday, March 19, 2012

My Happy Baby

Gracia is such a happy baby by God’s abundant grace. She is fascinated by things around her and is generally smiling and laughing. She has these big wide eyes that exude happiness. When we go out for a walk or for a trip or to a show, we love to look at her face. She would start laughing and squealing and starts clapping her hands. And it makes us really happy to know that she is happy and is enjoying herself. And when she enjoys something we try to do that over and over again. Just to see her smile and laugh.

She enjoys every simple thing around her and is fascinated by everything. When we go out for a walk, she looks around at the trees and flowers and the cars going by… she loves the birds and their chirpy sounds. She enjoys all of this. I see her make those happy sounds and it makes me very happy and I want to take her out more.

And when we go out, we enjoy watching her face more than whatever is around us. We had been to an IMAX to watch a show on animals and we enjoyed watching her face more than the show.

Now God is our father and our parent and I’m sure God also does that. I am sure whenever he sends blessings our way; he looks at our faces, to see our expression. To see if it makes us smile. To see if we are laughing. If we are squealing with delight. What does God see when he sees our faces? Does he see happiness? I think for a parent the biggest happiness is to see their children happy. When I wake up in the morning, does God see me happy for this new day? As I have my breakfast, does God see a smile on my face?

Everyone has problems. But there are so much more good things in our lives than problems. But the problem is we have been receiving the good things so freely and so abundantly that we have begun to take it for granted. The Bible says – Whatever things are beautiful think on these things (Philippians 4:8). More often than not, we tend to think of the few things that are not going good for us, rather than the abundant good things we are surrounded by.

Every time you wake up, God looks your face. Every time the fresh air hits your face, God looks at your face. Every time the birds chirp, God looks at your face. Every time you have food to eat, friends to hang out with, family who care for you, God looks at your face. If I begin to list our blessings, both you and I know, there would be no end. But the point is – When God looks at our faces, what does he see? Does he see happiness… joy… smile… baby G’s wide eyed wonder? Or does he see frowned foreheads who are too busy thinking of that one or two things which is not going well for us?

For the things that are not going well, remember everything will work out for our good. God will go before us and fight our battles. The problems will go away and in the end we WILL be rewarded. But till then, be happy. Because it means so much to God. It also is good for our health and looks nice on our face but most importantly it means so much to God. And when God sees us happy, he feels like doing more and more for us. I think the best form of gratitude we can give God is by being happy.

We need to start opening our eyes to the wonder and the beauty around us. And flash that smile cause our Father is looking at our faces to see if we are enjoying the life He so beautifully gave us. And just like my heart swells with abundant happiness when I see Gracia enjoy and be happy, God’s heart swells with abundant happiness too when He sees we are happy and having a good time. Does God see his happy baby when he looks at you and me?

Psalm 92:4 - For You, O Lord, have made me glad by Your works; at the deeds of Your hands I joyfully sing. (AMP)

Proverbs 16:20 - … whoever leans on, trusts in, and is confident in the Lord--happy, blessed, and fortunate is he. (AMP)

Proverbs 17:21 - A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. (AMP)

1 comment:

  1. I pray God sees me as a contended child!!! Please help me Holy Spirit, to be a 'Happy Baby'!!!

    Thanks Annie, for being an inspiration!!! :)
