Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Swiftly In Its Time - 16th April 2008

In the beginning of creation, God made Adam and put him in charge over everything that was. He was to rule over everything and God met up with Adam quite often and they had their morning and evening walks together (I suppose). Adam had everything – a beautiful home, wonderful animal friends, a great relationship with the Lord, good food – everything……. or almost everything cause something was amiss. Adam wanted someone to share all this with. Someone human. He was getting lonely. God created Adam and definitely knew every emotion and feeling of his. Then why didn’t God create Eve right when he had created Adam. But God had a time for Eve to be created and till such time, Adam had to wait. And in its time, God did it swiftly. Adam went to sleep and woke up to find Eve by his side. Just like that!! But he had to wait. Are you in Adam’s place?

God told Noah he was to build a ship because the earth was to be flooded to punish the wicked. Noah set about the work according to the specifications God gave him. Well he was definitely doing something God told him to, but building a ship on dry land did look ridiculous. Noah must have thought – Of all things why a Ship, God? But that was the way God wanted it for His own good reason. Noah kept at it, through probably the ridicule and taunt. He was just obeying God but was looking foolish. That is till the rain came and proved who the foolish ones were. Till then Noah had to do what God asked him to do even it meant looking foolish. Are you in Noah’s place?

Abraham was asked to leave his country, his family, everything he had grown up with and go. But go where?? Did that make any sense? God said he was going to make him a big nation. Abraham must have thought – ‘God, forget about a nation, you could start with giving me a son’. And what did God have to say – ‘It will be done swiftly in its time’. Oh boy, and did Abraham wait. The old man reached 100 and was still waiting. Waiting for the child God promised. God blessed him with a fabulous son, Isaac. Till then Abraham waited, waited for God’s time. Are you in Abraham’s place?

Joseph was sold by his own brothers as a slave in a foreign land. The very guys who were supposed to take care of him and protect him were the ones who were selling him off. Joseph arrives in a strange land with a strange culture, a strange language, strange people. Nothing in his life had prepared him for this. He was absolutely pampered by his father but a strange turn of events lands him a slave. He slogs day in and day out, in a house not his, making sure everything is in place and in order and what does he receive for everything he has given to this family – he gets thrown into jail. His dream is tested again and again. Things just seem to go from bad to worse. No one to stand up for him and support him, far away from his family, among strangers and at their mercy. Eventually he is made their ruler, ruler of the very strangers he was sold to. King’s dream, its interpretation and Joseph is made the ruler. Things happened real fast. Swiftly in its time but till its time, Joseph had to endure. Are you in Joseph’s place?

Shepherd David is running for his life. It all started the magnificent day Prophet Samuel anoints him as the future king of Israel. Wasn’t this supposed to bring him honour? Why was he hiding and running and running and hiding? David might have thought – Am I just thinking it up or does God really want me to be the next king? His life is in danger. His life is on the run. Till the day Shepherd David turns King David. Till then David trusted God and praised Him even while running for his life. Are you in David’s place?

Whatever situation you are in today, whether waiting for your Eve or waiting for your baby Isaac or waiting for the rain or waiting for the promised dream or waiting for the promised crown, remember your wait is not forever. Its only till the right time, God’s time. In its right time, God will do it swiftly. Till then we have to wait trusting God. Keep trusting God and believe that what He has planned and promised will surely come to pass. Hold onto Him and believe Him when He says – “I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly”

Isaiah 60:22b – “….I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly.”

1 comment:

  1. Hey this is a real nice article. True the Lord works out the best in his time.May the Lord continue to use you to touch lives.
